7.9. Using Location to Express Possession

You learned in section 6.2 to use 있- and 없- for expressing possession in sentences of the type:

  1. 나는 책이 있어요.
    I have a book [‘As for me, there exists a book’].

Korean can also use a locational construction to express possession. But whereas 에 functions to locate things in inanimate (non-living) places, the particles 한테 or 에게 are used to locate things with living things, especially humans. Compare the following three sentences:

  1. 은행에 돈이 있어요.
    There is money in/at the bank = The bank has money.
  2. 나한테 돈이 있어요.
    Unto me there exists money = I have money.
  3. 수진씨한테는 돈이 없어요.
    Sujin has no money.

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