8.7. Particle Sequences

A topic in a Korean sentence (i.e., a phrase ending with the particle 은/는 ) is most often a noun or noun phrase. But it may also be another particle phrase ? an expression of time, place, manner and so on ? such as 아침에 in the morning, 학교에서 from (or at) school, 펜으로 with a pen, 연필로 with a pencil, etc. When such a phrase becomes a topic, the result is a sequence (or string) of particles, the last one being the topic particle 은/는:

  1. 아침에는 커피를 마셔요.
    In the mornings, I drink coffee (compared to what I do the rest of the day).
  2. 학교에서는 야구를 해요.
    At school, we play baseball. (Talking about what happens at school. . . we play baseball there).
  3. 자전거로는 못 가요.
    You can’t go [there] by bike. (Talking about going by bike. . . you can’t go there that way).
  4. A. 매일 어머니한테서는 편지를 받아요.
    I get a letter every day from my mother [but not from other relatives, by contrast].
    B. 아버지한테서는 안 받아요?
    Don’t you get one from your father?

Particles which do not enter into sequences with 도 or with 은/는 are 이/가 the subject particle and 을/를 the direct-object particle:

  1. A. 한국말을 가르쳐요?
    Do you teach Korean?
    B. 아니오, 한국말은 김 선생님이 가르치세요.
    –No, its Mr. Kim who teaches Korean. (Do you teach Korean? ? No, if it’s Korean, Mr. Kim (is the one who) teaches it.)
  2. A. 밤에는 무엇을 해요?
    What do you do in the evenings?
    B. 노래를 불러요.
    I sing songs.
    A. 편지는 안 써요?
    How about letters: don’t you write (any)?

Similarly, 도 appears INSTEAD OF 이/가 or 을/를, not in combination with them:

  1. A. 개가 있어요?
    Have you a dog?
    B. 네, 있어요.

    Yes, I have.
    A. 고양이도 있어요?

    Have you a cat, too?
  2. A. 야구를 좋아해요.
    I like baseball.
    B. 수영도 좋아해요?
    Do you like swimming, too?

This means that some sentences with NOUN은/는 and NOUN 도 are ambiguous, like sentences in which the subject (이/가) or direct object (을/를) particle is dropped. Ambiguity can usually be cleared up by marking either the subject or the object with what remains understood as the unmarked one; but it is not possible in Korean to specify the subject or object and at the same time mark it with 은/는 or 도.

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