12.9. Meanings for 좋아요 and Related Words

The descriptive verb 좋아요 means (l) is good or fine or allright and (2) is liked. In the first meaning, only one noun phrase is involved, but in the second meaning, it often has two subjects,
or else a topic and a subject:

  1. 이것이 좋아요.
    This is good.
  2. 나는 이것이 좋아요.
    I like this. [As for me, this is liked.]

The processive verb phrase 좋아해요 means finds it good or likes it and takes direct objects:

  1. 나는 이것을 좋이해요.
    I like this.

This phrase also has the emotional connotation [someone] is happy (or glad) ? commonly used in speaking of someone else, but sometimes for special emphasis to mean I am happy (or glad). Notice the negative forms of each of these:

  1. 좋지 않아요.
    [something] isn’t good / isn’t liked
  2. 좋아하지 않아요.
    [someone] doesn’t like [something]

The opposites are comparable expressions:

  • 좋아요 is liked     싫어요 is disliked [base 싫-]
  • 좋아해요 likes it   싫어해요 dislikes it
  1. 나는중국요리가 싫어요
    I don’t like Chinese cuisine.
    [= As for me Chinese cuisine is disliked; the thing disliked is the SUBJECT]
  2. 우리 남편은 빙수를 싫어해요.
    My husband dislikes shaved ice. [The thing disliked is the DIRECT OBJECT]
  3. 나는 뉴욕을 싫어해요
    I don’t like New York.
  4. 나는 뉴욕이 싫어요.
    I don’t like New York.

Notice that in English the meanings of the negative phrase 좋아하지 않아요
doesn’t like and the affirmative phrase 싫어해요 dislikes usually fall together
as the phrase do(es)n’t like. The Korean 좋아하지 않아요 implies simple
absence of fondness, without actual aversion; 싫어해요 on the other hand,
implies an active or positive dislike. You can, of course, make a negative out
of the dislike phrases too: 싫지 않아요 I don’t dislike it, 싫어하지 않아요 he
doesn’t dislike it.

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